पूज्य बापूजी - जो लोग सुप्रचार करके कुप्रचार को भूलता हैं वो ईश्वर के दैवी कार्य के भागीदार माने जाते हैं
मैं तो कहता हूँ प्रशासन को परेशानी पैदा हो जाती है ये कुप्रचार से | हम जब आपको गले लगाकर आपको भी भारतवासी मान रहे हैं और अपने से, तो आप विदेश में रहकर, अथवा यहाँ रहकर, भारत के पेट में घुसकर, भारत के पेट में छुरा घोंपने की क्यों तकलीफ करते हैं, कर्म का तो विधान है
अभी कितने ह्रदय पथरा रहे हैं, कहरा रहे हैं, तो ध्यान रखे कुप्रचार के साजिश के शिकार न हो
कभी रामदेव महाराज साजिश के शिकार, तो कभी अमृतानंदमयी, कभी सांई बाबा, तो कभी कोई संत एक से एक
और जब बच्चे गुम हुए ३ तारीख को, तो.. साजिश वालों ने ३ के बाद चौथी, पांचवी, छठी, आंठवी तारीख क्यों नही छोड़ी १६ तारीख को घोषणा किया और १८ तारिख को आश्रम में धावा बोला ये साजिश स्पष्ट दिखती है और जो लोग दर्शन करने आयेंगे वो लोग हथियार लेकर क्यों आयेंगे और अहमदाबाद के लोग भी इतने बुरे नही हैं मुझे जानते हैं मेरे पास अहमदाबाद के लोग मेरे यहाँ साधकों को पत्थरो से और डंडों से मारें मैं कत्तई विश्वास नही करता हूँ मुझे पक्का रिपोर्ट है कि २ ट्रकें भरकर आई थी बड़ोदा से और काफी ट्रकें इधर-उधर से बुलाई गयी थी जो दो-दो सौ रुपये वाले आदमी थे कुछ बदमाश थे आगे वहाँ, गाड़ियाँ जलाई , आने वाले लोगो को पीटा, लाइन में खड़े हैं और मारा पत्थर , बहू-बेटियों की चेनें खींची, आंतंक मच रहा था, आश्रम वाले भी अपने अपने डिपार्टमेंट में रहते हैं न तो पर्व के दिन उनकी आवश्यकता और ज्यादा पड़ती है जहाँ ऋषि प्रसाद में २५ आदमी काम करते हैं १५ करते हैं तो उस दिन और ज्यादा बिजी होते हैं साजिश वालों से खरीदे गये लोग आश्रम को बदनाम करने में सहभागी हो गये|
Bapuji clarifies on land encroachment allegations
नाम तो आता है कि अपने ही हिन्दू हैं, अपने ही फलाने हैं लेकिन हिन्दुओं को कैसे हिन्दुओ से भीड़ाना ये साजिशकर्ता लोग अच्छी तरह से जानते हैं सच्चाई कुछ और होती है ऐसे एक-एक बात का मैं क्या खुलासा करूँगा| जैसे सूरत का प्रकरण - सूरत की जमीन ५७० रनिंग फूट रिटेनिंग वाल किया गया है और खाईयाँ पूरी गयी जमीन को सुव्यवस्थित किया गया है और वो सरकार से मांगी गयी है ६ साल तक फाइल चली और १२ टका ब्याज सरकार ने लेकर पेमेंट लिया और अब मैं बोलता हूँ उसमे रातों रात सोने की नगरी जैसी जमीन कहाँ है ८० करोड़ की जमीन कहाँ है इतने रिटेनिंग वाल, बाल संस्कार केंद्र की बिल्डिंग, स्नान का घाट, मंदिर, हनुमान मंदिर, शिव मंदिर ये सारी मिल्कियत अगर आप लेना चाहो तो हम ४ करोड़ में आपको समर्पित कर देते हैं, ८० करोड़ की कहाँ है, इसमें हमारा निर्माण भी आ गया और वो ४ करोड़ हमारे आदमी, आपके आदमी मिलकर गरीबों के आँसू पोंछने में लगा दें, और अब हम इससे ज्यादा क्या कर सकते हैं, और अभी फैसला न्यायालायाधीन है, और जो भी फैसला न्यायालय करेगा हमे मंजूर होगा हमको किसी सरकार से रातो रात कोई जमीन नही मिली वर्षों तक फाइल चली है और कानूनी ढंग से सिटी सर्वे ने २बार रीचेक करके जो मूल्यांकन किया था उसी मूल्य पर १२%ब्याज भरकर हमने ली अब उस समय ४० लाख, ५० लाख की, आज ४करोड़ की है, दस साल के बाद कोई ४० लाख की चीज़ ४ करोड़ की होती है तो इसमें कोई बड़ी बात नही है लेकिन अभी भी हम कहते हैं कि निर्माण सहित ४ करोड़ ले लें ऐसे इस प्रकार न जाने कपोल कल्पित कितने कितने आरोप लगते रहते हैं, लगवाते रहते हैं और प्रशासन परेशान होता रहता है और लोग भयभीत होते रहते हैं और साधुओ को, मैं तो कहता हूँ हमारे वैष्णव साधू गिरी, पुरी अथवा आचार्य वाले किसी भी साधू का जीवन देखोगे तो खा लिया पड़े हैं, उनको न पेंशन मिलती है, न पगार मिलता है ऐसे साधुओ को बदनाम किया जाता है
पूज्य बापूजी - कारण ये है, कलियुग का प्रभाव है,
मंदा मंद मतयाः मंद भाग्या: उपद्रताः
कि कलियुग ऐसा आएगा, मंद मति के उपद्रवी लोग होंगे और मंद मति के लोग जो कुछ लिखा है, और जो कुछ आ गया वो सच्चा मान लेंगे समझदार लोग बोलते हैं ये साजिश है लेकिन नासमझ प्रजा इतनी उत्तेजित हो जाती है हम तो श्रद्धा को धन्यवाद देते हैं कि श्रद्धा ही लोगो के सामने रखे और दूध का दूध और पानी का पानी हो जाये, बच्चो के लिए चाहे और आश्रमों के लिए जो भी कुप्रचार कर रहे हैं उनको भगवान सद्बुद्धि दे दुर्योधन बढ़ रहे हैं, सत्यमेव जयते ये भी तो दुनिया जानती है,
यतो धर्म ततो जयः
स्वधर्मे निदनम् श्रेयम् परधर्म भयावह
अपने सनातन संस्कृति में मर जाना अच्छा है, परधर्म भयावह
रामजी के लिए एक धोबी ने उंगली उठाई लेकिन आशारामजी के लिए कितनी उंगलियाँ एक साथ उठवाने की साजिश चल रही है, कैसा बीतता होगा, फिर भी हम कहते हैं, इल्जाम लगाने वालों ने इल्जाम लगाये लाख मगर तेरी सौगात समझकर हम सिर पे उठाये जाते हैं न जाने कितने कितने,
Bapuji clarifies on Ashram pharmacy medicines
अब २० तारीख को अहमदाबाद बंद और आश्रम में तूफ़ान करने की, फिर २१ तारीख को गोधरा फार्मेसी में छपा मारा, सुनियोजित साजिश और कुछ मिला नही तो नेत्र बिंदु जब्त कर लिए गये, ५६ बोतलें, अब ५६ बोतलें बंद, क्या है कि उसके लिए लाइसेंस नही, भाई साहब, वैद्य चाहे तो अपने ढंग से दवा दे सकता है, उसके लिए लाइसेंस की जरुरत नहीं, और वह दवा निःशुल्क बटती है तो वो भी हाईलाइट कर दिया कि बापू के आश्रम में छापा, बापू के फार्मेसी में छापा, गोधरा फार्मेसी आश्रम में छापा और छापे में मिला क्या? दवाओ के लाइसेंस-वाईसेंस तो है बाकि नेत्र बिंदु का लाइसेंस हमने लिया ही नही क्योकि हमे बेचना नही है, एक पैसा लेना नही, निःशुल्क बाँटते हैं, उसको ही 'आश्रम में छापा' करके बदनाम किया जाता है अब क्या करें? चारों तरफ से, एक जगह से नही, कई जगहों पर ऐसे छापे पड़े, मिला तो क्या मिला नेत्र बिंदु मिला, कहीं नहीं मिले और सब ठीक ठाक
Bapuji's India TV Message(4th August )PRASHN :-…..Chhindwada 9 vi class ka hi chhatr ruturaaj jo hai, vo kaatil hai us ke baad se bapuji ne baat nahi ki aurBapu aaj baat karenge india tv seKya ashram mey sab kuchh thikthak hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :- "….Ashram mey abhi phone aaya ki 'gurukul seal kar diya' Ye bilkul jhuthi baat hai ..gurkul mey chhutti ki thi..phir bachhe ghar gaye the aur un ko vahaa achcha nahi laga isliye gurukul aaj se hi shuru ho rahaa hai ..7din ki chhutti cancle kar di gayi..aur bachche abhi bhi waha ke jisaka bhai gayaa us ki bahen gurukul mey jaana chahti hai…gurukul ki vayvastha se humhare bachche santusht hai …ye khali banavati aphavaye najayaj aphavaye se prajaa ka vishwas toot jaata hai…bhagavan kare ki sab ko sadbudhdi de aur se saare banavati aphavaayebaba ke bathroom mey ye hai wo hai baba ne ye kar liya baba ne vo kar liya…gurukul ki vyavastha se saare humhare aphavao ke shikaar naa bane..PRASHN :-kaun kar rahaa hai sajaish aap ke gurukul ko badnaam karane ki sajish hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-humhare gurukul jo hai naa, vo garib ilaako mey hai ….to garib ke bachche ke bhi abha vikasit huyi aur board ke pariksha mey humhare gurukul firstclass aaye…97% 95% 93%92% 87% (takaa) garib bachche aaye …to swabhavaik hai irshaa hona…mere prati kisi ki naraji hoti hai to lakho karodo log mujhe pyar karate hai..to jo koyi khub mitha mitha milata to thoda charparaawale bhi hona chahiye..hota hai..ye saajish to spasth dikhati haijaise durabhagy purn ghatana ahmdabad mey ghati…..bachche 6baje gaye7baje gaye ya 8 baje gaye..lekin 8 - savva 8(8.15) baje pata chalaa bachche nahi hai to 15 minute ke andar vaghela pariwar ko gurukul wale bolkar aaye mey pahunch gaya ki bachche idhar to nahi hai..bole idhar nahi aaye to milkar jaanch kiyaa pariwaar walo ke sath humhara ashram pariwaar bhi lag gaya tha….bachche bolate the rathyatra dekhane jaan ahai to waha dhundhe….raat bhar waha dhundhe pariwaar walo ke sath humhara ashram pariwaar bhi lag gaya tha…phir un ke lashe mili to kuchh logo ne kya kara ki kahi se baal utha ke rakh diya kanku utha ke rakh diyaa..chudiya utha ke rakh di..PRASHN :-ye kaun log hai jo is tarah se sajish kar rahe hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….ve kaun hai , ye agar mere ko pata hota to mai 'sajish' nahi kaheta…. mai kaheta ki, 'ye hi log hai..!'lekin vyavastha aisi hai ko jo dikhayaa jaa raha hai 'TANTRIK ..TANTRIK ..TANTRIK' …ye humhare bharat ko todane ki sajish hai…...TANTRIK TANTRIK…jitana uchhcala jaa raha hai….itane humhare hindu sadhu tatrik nahi, jitanaa dikhaya jaa raha hai.."PRASHN:-lagaatar ye achanak silsilaa kaise shuru ho gaya is ke pichhe kya hai..jo log aap ke BHAKT the aap mey AASTHA thi vo achanak vo log sadako pe utar aate aap ke khilaph?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"…mere khilaf mere bhakt sadako pe utar aaye huye dikhate ho to mai abhi pant shirt pahen ke tumhare media mey aa jaungaa….mere bhakt nahi aate sadako pe…(bhakt sadgurudev ki jay jaykar kar rahe hai…)shanti… "jay jay" nahi…..Agar us ka namunaa dekhana ho to bachcha jis ne khoya hai , vo peshe se advocate hai… prachaar kar diya jata ki un ko kaid kar ke rakhaa hai …….idhar hi ghum rahaa hoga …advocate aa jaaye… bambai ka hai …jinho ne beta khoya hai un se pucho ki tumhare pariwaar ke dusare bachche rakhoge…..un se puchho ki abhi jo beti hai us ko le jaaoge?…. to pata chalega ki kaha sadako pe utar aaye hai… vo to mere dil mey utar aaye hai!!!!! sadako pe nahi utar aaye..!!!!!!" (sadgurudev ki jay ho!!!!!)PRASHN :Jo mamaala IG ne khola ki ruturaaj kaatil hai us ke parents kahete ki fair inquiry chahate hai..kya ye jaanch nishapaksh hogi aur cbi ki maang hogi to aap support kerenge bapuji?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….koyi bhi maang uthati to mera koyi inkaar nahi hai…lekin pulice ne jaldi mamala sulataa diya aur achhi tarah se bataayaa…Aur 10tarikh ko vo bachcha dakhil huaa hai.. humhare asharm ka shishy nahi hai…gurukul ka koyi purana sadhak nahi hai ..10 tarikh ko admission liyaa hai .. aur 29 tarikh ko anjaam diya aur 31 tarikh ko anjaam diya……Aur maje ki baat to ye hai ki ……3 tarikh ko durabhagy purn ghatanaa ghati usaka rosh 4 tarikh ko, 5 tarikh ko, 6 tarikh ko , 10 tarikh ko rosh nahi aayaa..18 tarikh ke din jab bhakt aane wale the ko us din rosh kaise huaa? ..aur us mey bhi ahmedaabad walo ko mai nahi kosungaa ….ahmdeabad ka chappa chapaa mujhe jaanatA hai… 40 saal se mai ye dharam kary kar rahaa hun aur ve log sahayog dete hai … ahmedabadwale itane nich nahi hai ki baahar ke aaye bhakto ko aakar pitenge…
… kiraaye ke logo ne halla machaya….
baahar se aaye logo ne halla machayaa…
apani khichadi paakaanae walo ne halla machayaa..
….durabhagy purn to ghatanaa to ghati ki Nirdosh maayi Nirdosh bhai aaye the satsang sunane - ni-hatye ….unpar paththar maranaa, dande maranaa… 'ashram band hai, ashram band hai' bolanaa ..18 tairkh tuk to chala.. phir 19tarikh ko 'bapuji chale gaye, bapuji nahi hai' ye haakara huaa khub….mere ko 20tarikh ko live telecast mey bolana padaa ki, 'hum 17 ko the , 18 ko the, aaj 20 ko bhi hun.. aur 22 ko bhi rahenge'… to kabhi kabhi jaise vo vedio shutting kar rahe hai aur wahaa chudiya rakh di kisi ne aur kuchh ye vo…aur bole 'tantrik prayog tanrik prayog' ..mey uchhal diya....mai daawe se kaheta hun ki saabarmati nadi ke aaspaas 40 km koyi aisa tantrik nahi jo tantrik kare aur humhara ashram to tantrik vantrik se bahot door rahetaa hai… to uchhalkar shant bhaarat ko ashanti mey kyo jhonk rahe hai?Prashn :-jin bachcho ko maut huyi us ke baad gurukul band kar diyaa gayaakya bhay kaa mahol hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….na na na na…. mai bilkul spasth karungaa, 10 baar….ki 'gurukul band kar diyaa' ye bilkul gappa hai.. havaayi baat hai…bachho mey bhay nahi hai… ek ek bachche se interveiw lo..jo bachcho ko chhutti kar di gayi , vo maa baap lekar aaye ki baba 7 din ki chhuti nahi , humhare bachcho ko achcha nahi lagata ....vedant ki bahen se hi puchh lo nanhi..ek mahinaa rahi hai …ab us ko ghar mey achha nahi lagataa ..itanaa humhare sewak dhyan rakhate… aur durghatanaa ghati,to turant bathroomo ke upar cameraa rakh diyaa gayaa..humhare sewak jo hai naa 'sewa param dharm' maanate…isliye garibo mey, gurbo mey hum yaha se 1 rupiya bhejate aur garibo ko 5 rupiye pahunchate ….aise log aisa ghinounaa kaam kaise kar sakate hai?"Prashn :-pulice ne jo motive bataaya ki ruturaaj nahi rahena chahata tha gurukul mey isliye us ne 2 murder kiye..aap ko lagata hai ki ruturaaj kyo nahi rahena chahataa tha gurukul mey?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"..mere ko mere sanchalak ne kaha maine puchha vo nahi rahena chahata tha? To bole , "nahi ..agar nahi rahena chahata to 4 baar us ke pariwar wale aaye us ke saamane bolata …hum ne koyi janjeer nahi lagaa ke rakhi thi… ..itana bachho ko uthakar ye kar sakataa hai……to ek sawaal hai ki agar nahi rahenaa chahata to kya kisi ke bachcho ke hatya karanaa hai? ye bhi to sawaal uthataa hai aur nahi rahena chaahata to maa baap ko bole , shikshak ko bole prabandhak ko bole….wo to kisi ko bole nahi…..10 tarikh ko aaya aur 29 tarikh ko durghatanaa ghati…."PRASHN :- Sthaniy tribal ki rajniti jo karanewale hai..is se koyi pareshani mahessos karate chhindwara mey?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"… mai to baba ..mera uddeshy hai "SATY MEV JAYATE"…kar bhala ho bhala ab koyi apani khichadi pakaane ke liye kuchh bhi rajniti dikhaye to der saber us ke dil me bhi hoga humane galati ki ..kyo ki hum sabhi paksho ke hai aur sab paksh humhare….hum maanav matr ke heet chahate hai…mai bahi pakisthan mey karachi mey satsang kar ke aaya..40 se 50 hajaar aadami honge bade pandaal mey logo ne mujhe bola ki bapuji sade baara baje band karana padega ye pakisthan hai…maine paune 2 baje band kiyaa aur abhi tuk jindaa hun…."PRASHN :-.. humhare yaha ek mahila hai suman sharmaa un ka claim hai ki un ka beta aap ke gurukul mey raheta hai..pichhale 10 saal se us ko milane nahi diyaa…PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"…jug jug jiyo is sawaal par ….mai to sawaal karane wale ko dhanywaad dunga….Jo ajay sharma hai, vo padha likha hai…aur us ko ghar mey kya kya huaa…. mai to bolungaa ki yahaa seajay sharmaa ko phone karo aur vo apani gathaa aap bataa de..mai kay ko saphayi dun?maine janjiro se bandh ke nahi rakha , yahaa to khuli kitaab hai..koyi aao koyi jaao…aur vo kayi baar ghar jaata hai….kabhi kabhi nahi jaata to mere ko pataa chalata to mai bhi bolataa ki jaao ghar jaake aao maa se mil ke aao…ab us ki ruchi nahi shaadi karane ki aur maa aagrah karati hai shaadi karo to sangharsh mey baba ko bali kyo dete? …us ko agar maa ka prem hota , us ko kaam-waasanaa hoti to shadi kare…kayi shadi shuda pariwaar humhare sath rahete paas ki colony mey…kayi ca padhe hai kayi ba padhe hai.. kayi log rahete paas ki colony mey…hum ne shaadi ki hai to kisi ko manaa kyo karenge? to ek saajish karane wale is prakaar se un ko bahekaa ke kuchch na kuchh bayaan baji karaate hai…..itane dino vo maata kahaa gayi thi…."PRASHN :-kya lambe samay se saajish ka shikaar karane ki koshish ho rahi thi yaa ye abhi haal hi mey huaa hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….mai to kya bataaun? lambe samay chhote samay…..jitana jo aadami suprasidhd hai , utanaa vo taakade us ko ku-prasidhd karane mey lag jaati ye sidhdant hai…us se mujhe pareshani nahi… phir bhi mai pareshani nahi phir mai pareshan hun ki masoomo ki bali dekar mere sath sajish naa karo.. dusari koyi bhi karanaa hai to karo….."PRASHN :-bapu sawaal ye puchha ja raha hai ki….ruturaaj aakhir kyo nahi rahenaa chahataa tha ?ya phir hatya ki ye vajah ye kyo bataayi ki vo gurukul se baahar aana chahataa tha?ye baat pulice kahe rahi hai….aap sahemat hai?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….pulice jo kaheti us ko hum khandan nahi katrate..lekin mere sanchalak ne kahaa ki agar nahi rahenaa chahataa to us ke maa baap to aaye 4 baar ..19 din to huye us ko admit huye us mey 4 baar aaye…nahi rahena chahata to maa baap ko bolataa, hum logo ko bolata ..mere sanchalak ka phone hi aaya..PRASHN :-ashram band huaa… kya ye motive ho sakataa hai 2 masoomo ke murder ke liye?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….arre nahi nahi nahi….. naa ahmedabad ka gurukul band huaa na hi ahmedaba ka ashram band huaa hai…ye to aphavaaye hai…na hi chhindwada ka band huaa..naa aphavaye hai…. chhutti kiya tha jin ko jaana hai to jaaye..gaye huye bachche ghar mey achcha nahi lagataa hai to chhutti cancle kar ke abhi chalu ho gaya….."PRASHN:-bapu ruturaj ke mata pita ke sawaal uthaya ki un ke bachche ke khilaf sajish ho rahi hai pulice ke khulase ke baad se..PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….ab dekho ji maine to un ko dekha nahi naa maine aur unho ne mere ko dekha nahi mnaa maine bachche ko dekha…is vishay mey mai kuchh nahi bol sakataa hun….wo to pulice jaanegi aur bhagavaan jaane…"PRASHN:-( sajishwalo ka pardaa phash karane tak)aap ne anshan kiya hai…ya investigation se santusht hokar vrat tod diya hai?"…Mai to ann tyagaa tha…. lekin prachaar hua ki bapu ne aan jal tyaga hai to maine bataaya ki jal nahi tyagaa….mere ann tyaagane se lakho logo ne upwaas rakha….to kal aagrah kiya sabhi ne to maine sandeshaa diya ki mai ann le rahaa hun aap bhi lelo…. kal sachhayi baahar aayi to apane aur dusare ka khayaal rakhate huye ann lena padaa.."PRASHN :-bapu , kaun hai jo bapu ke khilaph sajish kar raha hai? aap 40 saal se dharm prachaar kiya hai ,samaaj sewa ke kayi kaam kiye hai… kahi koyi bhanak hai aap ko ki kaun saajish kar raha hai?haalaki ye investigation ka vishay hai..PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"…..meri gaadi chori ho gayi ..kis ne chori ki agar mujhe pata ahota to mai kyo bolataa gadi chori huyi hai..mai kyo bolataa ki saajish hai….agar mujhe pataa hota to mai to bol deta ki phalaane ne kiyaa hai…."PRASHN :-jis tarike se aap ne shiksha ke kshetr me kiyaa maan lijiye missionaries ke taur pe aap ne bhi gurukul shuru kiye…tamaam samaj sewa ke kary shuru kiye kya yahi se hindutv ki baat karate rahete isliye aap ke ashramo ko ya jo trust hai un ko sajish banaya jaa raha ?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"….ye to swabhavik hai…sab ko hi dikhataa hai, jisake paas thoda bhi soch vichar hai to maan lete samajh lete phir bhi hum kisi ko apani taraf se kuchh nahi kahenge…lekin jo huaa durabhagy purn hai aur saajish-kartaao ko mai kahungaa … hath jod ke prarthanaa karata hun…kahetaa hun ki sajish karani hai to aur koyi karo…lekin in baaalako ki bali athavaa baalak apane aap bahe gaye ho jo bhi gayaa ho…lekin wahaa kanku aur baal aur ye rakh ke "tantrik tantrik" ….
is se shant gujraath ashant ho rahaa hai…
shant bhaarat mey charchaa jo bhagavaan ki aur kary kalaa ki honi chahiye wahaa vahemo ki aur aphavao ki ho rahi hai ….
…bhaarat mey kab tak ye is mey humhari samay shakti nash howe?"
PRASHN:-kya jo bhi chije huyi , avyavastha huyi is ke liye ashram ke andar kisi ko jimmedaar maanate ,ya management mey chuk rahi?PARAM PUJYA BAPUJI :-"…..agar management par chuk rahi hoti to mai turant un ka kaan pakad ke pulice ko detaa..athavaa to un ko punishment detaa aur jag jaahir karataa…ye ahmdedabad ke ashram ki baat hai …aur yahaa(chhindwara) to ek beta idhar udhar huaa to turant bathroomo par camera lag gaye…ab aap advocate hai bambai ke in kaa bachcha wahaa raheta tha ……..un se interveiw lijiye…mere gurkul ke prati to mai saphayi ka bolunga..tirhaait(tisare) aadami se puchhana chahiye….meri chij ki saphayi to mai dungaa 'mera gurukul badhiyaa hai, badhiya hai'.. in se puchhiye…"PRASHN :- yaha par ramkrushn aur vedant ke dono ke pita bhi humhare sath hai..jo un ka kahenaa hai aap ko lagata ki koyi sajish ki baat hai?Advocate Mohanlaal Yadav (Ramkrushn yadav ke pita) :-"….sajish ki baat to hai hi hai..lekin wo investigation ka department hai…mai mohanlal yadav hun ..mera bachcha ramkrushn yadav tha…19 tarikh ko shadyantr mey expire ho gaye hai… mai advocate hun… mai jyadaa nahi kahungaa…lekin mai daawe ke sath kahunga ki gurukul prashasan hai wahaa kisi prakaar ki naa asawdhani hai …naa upekshaa hai aur naa mujhe sandeh bhi nahi hai jaraa bhi….INDIA TV PRASHN-KARTAA:-aap ka aur bapu ka bahot bahot dhanywaad …bapuji ek baat ki saraahanaa karani hogi ..unho ne shuru se, jab se ye vivaad khadaa huaa hai..ek baat jarur kahete hai…ve kisi bhi tarah ke jaanch se parhej nahi karate….vo har prakaar ki jaanch ke liye raaji hai… aur jaanch huyi bhi , aab pulice kaheti hai ki kaatil pakadaa bhi gayaa…aur bapu aaj bhi ye hi kahate hai ki aur bhi kisi jaanch ki jarurat ho to un ke ashram ke , un ke gurukul ke darwaje khule hai..HARI OM!SADGURUDEV KI JAY HO!!!!!OM HRIM OM..OM HRIM OM..OM HRIM OM..OM HRIM OM..OM HRIM OM..OM HRIM OM…(SABHI SADHAKO KO PRARTHANAA HAI KI IS MANTR KA JAP 17 AUGUST TUK AKHAND CHALU RAKHE….ABHI BHI SANKAT MANDARAA RAHA HAI….)Galtiyo ke liye prabhuji kshamaa kare….
अहंकार विलीन होने के बदले ठोस होता चला जा रहा है ?
कोई उपाय नहीं नजर नहीं आता ?
देख, एक रहस्य समझ ले। यदि तू मन की वृत्तियाँ से डरकर उनको स्थिर करने का उपाय करेगा तो मन ज्यादा पुष्ट होता जायगा, अहंकार खड़ा ही रहेगा। क्योंकि वास्तव में वे तेरी ही सत्ता से जिन्दे हैं। इसलिए तू मन और मन की सत्त्व रज तमोगुणवाली वृत्तियों को मिथ्या जानकर उनकी तरफ से बेपरवाह हो जा। ऐसा करने पर मन अपने आप शान्त हो जायेगा। क्या तूने बृहस्पति के पुत्र कच का हाल नहीं सुना ?
कच ने बहुत वर्षों तक अहंकार को निवृत्त करने का प्रयत्न किया और अहंकार अधिक पुष्ट होता गया। तब देवगुरू बृहस्पति ने उसे कहाः "पुत्र ! यह अहंकार तुझ आत्मा में मिथ्या स्फुरा है। उसका क्या उपाय करता है ? उसको मिथ्या जान। मिथ्या के लिए परिश्रम मत कर।" ऐसा उपदेश सुनकर कच को ज्ञान हो गया और वह जीवन्मुक्त होकर विचरा।
अतः हे अहंकार के पीछे डंडा लेकर भागने वालों ! डंडे को फेंक दो। क्यों मिथ्या श्रम करते हो ?याद रखोः जिस समय तुम अहं को मिथ्या जान लोगे उसी क्षण वह निवृत्त हो जायगा। रज्जू का सर्प लाठी से नहीं मरेगा, उसके मिथ्यात्व के ज्ञान से ही उसकी तात्कालिक निवृत्ति होती है।
वृत्तियों को सदा के लिए स्थिर करने की मेहनत मत करो। सर्व वृत्तियों का जो प्रकाशक है, अधिष्ठानरूप तुम्हारा आत्मा है उसे जान लो। आत्मनिष्ठ हो रहो और वृत्तियों की परवाह मत करो। वृत्तियाँ अपने आप शान्त होती जायेंगी।
'Salutations to the Self-realized Gurudev The Existence Absolute Who makes the world exist, The Consciousness Absolute Who illuminates the world, The Bliss Absolute Who makes the world blissful'.
Guru-Purnima infuses the Jiva, who has been wandering for countless lives, with the blessedness of knowledge, Bhakti and Yoga. Through the teachings of the preceptors, God and the scriptures and through the jiva’s own experience and makes him capable of saving himself from the agony he has been suffering in mothers’ wombs and entitles him to attain to the Supreme State.
Guru-Purnima is the day of making one’s mind holy by recalling the memory of God-realized Gurus like MaharshiVed Vyas ji who make one capable of attaining to the Supreme State. This is the day of practising penance and taking pious vows. It is the day when one should undertake some new resolve according to the guidance of the preceptor.
‘These are the shortcomings in my mind; these are the shortcomings in my conduct; these are the shortcomings in my life…’
After such introspection, one should take a resolve to undertake some observance,japa or anushthana which one is capable of so as to weed out the shortcomings and then one should resolve to move ahead in one’s spiritual journey. It is the day when one should take stock of the spiritual endeavours made by him in the past year and the spiritual experiences had thereby and should look to the Guru for tips for making further progress.
After the Vyas Purnima, schools of spirituality open and new lessons are taught.In summer the land becomes parched, the rain comes around Vyas Purnima and the earth is infused with a new life as are the trees. Similarly, Vyas Purnima brings new spiritual awakening, new radiance, new joy and new vigour in the sadhaka’s life and inspires him to move forward to a new life. Inspired by this pious festival, the Jiva can endeavour to realize God.
Maharshi Veda Vyasji commenced writing the world’s first ever spiritual treatise, ‘Brahman-Sutra’ on this day. The Mahabharata was completed on the Guru-Purnima day and Gods blessed this day saying,
“The sadhaka, who worships his Guru on this day, who propitiates his Guru and determines his spiritual path with his Guru’s guidance, will earn the religious merit of doing all virtuous deeds throughout the year.”
Since then man has been celebrating the pious festival of Guru-Purnima with great zeal & enthusiasm. Not only Indians but demigods and the yogis living in the heavens too celebrate Guru-Purnima with great zeal and enthusiasm.This is not the occasion for longish tales, it is the occasion for sitting near the lotus feet of Satguru. It is not the occasion for discourses; it is the occasion for coming back to and reposing in the Transcendent True Self, the Bliss Absolute where all discourses emanate from and roll back to. It is an utsava.
Utsava is made form the syllables ut (near) and sava (yajna or sacrifice). The yajna of realizing by the True Self, the Bliss Absolute, the nearest of the near, is the utsava of Vyas Purnima.Other utsavas we celebrate but the utsava of Vyas Purnima like a mother cajoles us. A mother cajoles her child saying, “Come here my child! You have been playing in the dirt for quiet some time and have thereby become dirty. Now take a bath and clean yourself. I will give you butter and sugarcandy.”
Similarly Vyas Purnima says,
‘O Jiva ! You have been wandering for several lives. Now comeback to your real nature of Pure Consciousness, to Self knowledge, to the Lord, the Giver of life.’
A mother cajoles the child and thereby cleans and nourishes him. Vyas Purnima cajoles us and thereby purifies our mind, imbues it with virtues like humility, modesty etc. and very kindly endows us with the capability to assimilate Satguru’s experience of omnipresence through worshipping Him.Our minds are invaded by violent winds of all kinds. Now we are plagued by doubt and now by fear or other such feeling. If the mind gets restive or gets derailed from the path of sadhana and Bhakti because of bad company, the sadhakas make new resolutions and resume their journey with renewed vigour.
After the Vyas Purnima, the wandering, Self-realized saints stay at one place. There, they study Brahma-Sutra and other scriptures and commence writing new spiritual books.At times people in a society slide down towards degeneration. Demonic nature, dualistic thoughts,casteism and feelings of mine and thine spread through the society. Divorced from the non-dualreality, people are plagued by dualistic feelings which make them unquiet. The result isnarrowmindedness, strife and unrest in the society. But when Self-realized Gurus disseminate their Knowledge in the society, people’s minds are imbued with virtues like oneness, peace, love,magnanimity, forgiveness, rectitude and purity etc. and sadhaka is filled with the prasad of the Supreme Consciousness.
परम पूज्य संत श्री आशारामजी बापू ,विवेक,वैराग्य , श्री योगवाशिष्ठ , श्री योग वशिष्ठ महारामायण , वैराग्य प्रकरण , नवरात्री , डांडिया , फाल्गुनी पाठक ,ओढ़नी ओढूँ और उडी उडी जाये , IIT Bombay , श्री राम वशिष्ठ संवाद ,
बिना इस विडियो को देखा आगे पढने का कष्ट न करें , ये विडियो इस पोस्ट की आधारशिला है
2013 की शारदीय नवरात्रि में मैं भारतीय प्रोद्योगिकी संस्थान, मुंबई में ही था घर जाने का अवसर मिला नहीं , क्योंकि लगभग १० दिन पहले ही अपने प्रमाण पत्रों केलिए घर आया था | नवरात्रियों के समय पूरा साधक परिवार जप अनुष्ठान में लगा रहता है , बच्चे सारस्वत्य मंत्र व बड़े अपने मंत्र के | यह काल मंत्र सिद्धि मंत्र जाग्रति केलिए उत्तम कहा गया है |
मेरे लिए दशहरा , दिवाली बहुत हर्षोल्लास का अवसर होता है , बाज़ार जाना रामलीला देखना दुर्गा पूजा की पुष्पांजलि आदि आदि |
इस बार IITB में ऐसा कोई अवसर तो हाथ लगा नहीं लेकिन मुबई में डांडिया बहुत धूम रहती है| तो मैंने भी अपने मित्र के लैपटॉप पर ऊपर वाला गाना चलाया |
गाने के बोल कुछ इस प्रकार हैं -
गाने के बोल से , जितनी गुजरती मैं सीख गया हूँ #GuruDrohi के सबटाइटल करके , से पता चलता है की उसके यौवन छलकने की बात हो रही है |
उस दिन तो अपना यौवन भी जोर मार रहा था | जब ५ में से ३ रूममेट BF & GF में लिप्त हों तो उस वातावरण में अपनी कमाई बचाना अलग जोखिम का काम है |
On the commencement of Navratras, Institute Cultural Council invites all of you to the Institute Dandiya Night, a night enthused by Garba and Dandiya. न इस वर्ष न पिछले
तो सोचा हम भी देखें क्या यौवन है इन में
उस दिन से पहले तक मैंने इसका विडियो तो देखा नहीं था , केवल सुना था |
तो देखने में आता है , एक महिला नाचने का भरसक प्रयास कर रही है , जिसका शरीर सुडौल तो नहीं है कम से कम | बाकि चर्बी की परतें अलग , स्लीव लेस पहन कर अलग अत्याचार कर रही है हम पर . थोड़ी देर में उसका साथी भी आ जाता है & उसकी चुन्नी लेकर आगे के स्टेप्स करता है | ध्यान से निरिक्षण पर पता चलता है कि नाचने वाली महिला ने की ब्लाउज /चोली धागे वाली है |
(स्त्री परिधानों के बारे में मुझे अधिक ज्ञान नहीं है )
तो बात आती है की इन महोदया के नृत्य प्रदर्शन के बाद मेरे पुराने योगवाशिष्ठ महारामायण के संस्कार जग गए , विशेषतः वैराग्य प्रकरण १८ सर्ग जहाँ श्री राम जी मनुष्य शरीर की निंदा करते हैं और सर्ग २१ स्त्री की निंदा वाले प्रसंग याद आ गये |
मूलतः ये वाली पंक्ति
श्रीरामचन्द्रजीं ने कहा : महर्षिजी, गीली आँतों (पेट में स्थित मल, मूत्र आदि को थैलियों) और
नादियों से व्याप्त परिणामशील और मरणधर्म जो शरीर संसार में सबके सामने प्रकाशित हो रहा है,
वह भी केवल दुःख भोग के लिए ही है । अर्थात् मल, मूत्र, शुक्र और शोणित से आद्र नाड़ियों से परिव्याप्त,
विविध प्रकार के विकारों से युक्त और पतनशील यह जीवदेह वेच्वल दु-भीग के लिए प्रकाशित हो
रहीँ है ।। १ ।।
है ? अर्थात कोई नहीं ||१ ||
उत्साही साधक पढ़ सकते हैं , पृष्ठ संख्या ६२-६५ आश्रम द्वारा प्रकाशित श्री योगवाशिष्ठ महारामायण की |
हमारे पास दो उपलब्ध हैं एक लखनऊ प्रेस, दूसरी आश्रम प्रेस |लखनऊ प्रेस कदाचित संक्षिप्त है और उसके श्लोक अदि की संख्या आश्रम से नहीं मिलती .आप दोनों को यहाँ पढ़ सकते हैं | फेसबुक पर पेज है।
मुझे लगता है अधिक साधकों को नहीं पता (कम को ही पता है ) की आश्रम का एक परिप्रश्नेन विभाग है जहाँ साधक अपने अध्यात्मिक प्रश्न पूछ सकते हैं |
वहीँ पर एक प्रश्न पूछा गया है ,
काम विकार जब जब आता है तो अच्छे तरीके से गिरा देता है | इससे बचने का उपाय बताये |
जिसके उत्तर में पूज्य श्री कहते हैं -
सर्वांग आसन करो और मूलबंध करो सर्वांग आसन करके ताकि वो जो वीर्य बनता है वो ऊपर आये मस्तक में शरीर में और मजबूती करे |
प्राणायाम कस के करो सवा मिनट अंदर श्वास रोके और चालीस सेकण्ड बाहर श्वास रोके. और आवले के चूर्ण में २० प्रतिशत हल्दी मिलाकर ३-३ ग्राम सेवन करो .युवाधन पुस्तक पढ़ा करो |
शादी नहीं किया है तो पहले ईश्वर प्राप्ति करके फिर संसार में जाओ अथवा तो खाली होकर मरो फिर जन्मों तुम्हारी मर्जी की बात है |
Lord Siva said:
न तपस्तप इत्याहुर्ब्रह्मचर्यं तपोत्तमम् |
ऊर्ध्वरेता भवेद्यस्तु स देवो न तु मानुषः ||
“Celibacy alone is the supreme penance. Of course, other penances (such as keeping fast and silence etc …) are good in their place, but they are all inferior to Brahmacharya. That Urdhvareta saint who has done penance over the restraint of the sexual organ is not a human-being but God.”
Brahmacharya is also hailed in Jain scriptures.
तवेसु वा उत्त्मं बंभचेरम् |
“Brahmacharya is the supreme penance.”
Lead a well-regulated, moderate married life. Even as a householder you can be a Brahmachari, by sticking to the principles ofGrihastha Dharma, by moderation and regular worship of God. Marriage should not in any way lead you downwards in your spiritual path. You should keep the spiritual fire ever blazing. You should make your wife also understand the real glory of a spiritual life. If both of you observe Brahmacharya for sometime and then avoid excesses, she will give birth to robust children who will be the pride of the country. Conserved energy can be used for higher spiritual purposes. Prevention of frequent maternity will preserve your wife’s health too.Brahmacharya in Grihasthashrama is absolute moderation in sexual intercourse. Householders are allowed to visit their wives once in a month at the proper time without the idea of sexual enjoyment just to get progeny to keep up the line. This is also Brahmacharya Vrata. They are also Brahmacharins.Householders should ask their wives also to observe fasts and to do Japa, meditation and other practices, which will enable them to keep up this Brahmacharya Vrata. They should train their wives also in the study of the Gita, the Upanishads, the Bhagavata and the Ramayana and in diet regulation.Talk to your wife always on spiritual matters. Narrate to her stories from the Mahabharata, the Bhagavata. Sit with her on holidays and read some religious book. Gradually her mind will be changed. She will take interest and delight in spiritual practices. Put this into practice if you want to get rid of the miseries of Samsara and enjoy the eternal bliss of the Soul.
Young men of the present day imitate Westerners in taking their wives always with them when they go out. This practice creates a strong habit in men for having the company of women at all times. A little separation brings a great deal of pain and suffering. Many get a shock when they lose their wives. Further, it becomes very difficult for them to take a vow of celibacy even for a month. Poor, miserable weaklings! Spiritual bankrupts! Try to be away from your partners in life as much as you can. Talk little with them. Be serious. Do not laugh or joke with them. Go along for an evening walk. What did your wise forefathers do? Assimilate from the West only what is good. Vile imitation in fashion, style, dress and food is dangerous.
An easy way to convince gullible Hindus is to make someone put allegations which belongs to the organisation so they'll believe it quite easily "ab dekho ye to wahin tha pehle , sach hi bol raha hoga"
This exactly was done in the case of Asharamji Bapu , were convicts were depicted as those who left the ashram due to the misdeeds happening in ashram . wow upholders of truth सती सावित्री के बेटे !!!
But hardly people know the real faces behind these convicts , they were people in living in ashrams but they didnot leave it on their own -- they were THROWN OUT of the ashram -- for variety of offences like forgery , swindling money , criminal offences etc.
It seemed as if soon after Bapuji’s arrest all channels and newspapers started attacking Ashrams. Bapuji’s Ashrams were presented as if Ashrams are a liqour bar or centers of dissipation and they should be banned. Various allegations ranging from illegal occupancy to land grabbing were imposed and all possible attempts were made to generate indignation in the public. It seemed as if the governmental organizations are under the control of the media and media is the supreme authority.
Now we will focus on the PEOPLE
Starting from most important first
AMRIT PRAJAPATI - alias amrit vaidya - ayurvedic vaidya at ahemdabad ashram
Offence-misbehaving with women patients , sending patients to his own hospitals , selling medicines of the ashram at his own clinic
Role in conspiracy 2008 - Alleged in the MEDIA that black magic , tatrik activities happen in the ashram when 2 children died due to drowning in the river .
Amrit Prajapati covered his wife in Burkha (a black dress in which the face in covered) and organized a press conference in which he asked his wife to make fake sexual allegations on Bapuji. For hours, media sensationalized this baseless news. But after 4 months when it was proved that this allegation was false media didn’t even cared to show this news.
TRUTH-Vaidya Amrit Gulabchandra Prajapati who had been expelled form the ashram had earlier alleged that black magic was being practiced in the Ashram. In the course of 6 hours long cross examination on 13th March 2010 in front of D.K. Trivedi Commission , he admitted "I don’t know anything about black magic I have not enquired into the questions as to what black magic is and how it is practiced. In the course of my stay i didnot see any act of black magic. It is correct that my reference to black magic pertains to the time after I left the ashram. I have no personal information about the incident of death of Dipesh and Abhishek.
The report of Post Mortem of the children can be read HERE
Amrit Prajapati admitted the fact also that on 20th August 2008 he and Raju Chandak had met the so called Aughad sukharam in a guest house mere the power house in Ahmedabad and that even before their meeting he had telephonic discussions with Raju Chandak and sukharam a number of times. Raju Chandak admitted in a sting operation that he and his associates had engaged sukharam to make accusations against pujya Bapuji by paying 4000 rupees and by supplying liquor and girls to him. Five days after the secret meeting of these three, on 26th August 2008 sukharam made accusation against Pujya Bapuji.
just after the judicial custody of His Holiness Asharamji Bapu , when Pujya Shri was suffering from intense pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia (READ HERE WHAT IS IT) & Bapuji was need of immediate medication so this man comes on TV and starts saying Bapuji used to take opium & since he was unable to get his daily dose in jail so he was asking for it , but in reality Pujya Shri wanted medication of TR which doesnot have any in allopathy , only in ayurveda is any medication available.
Prajapati called the Opium as Panched booti (पंचेड बूटी ) refering to the ashram in Panched,M.P. [sadhaks might be remenbereing the famous sanyam sadhana shivir of panched ashram in 1998 one of the awesome satsangs of Pujya Shri ].So when police goes to the ashram they find nothing .
Second important conspirator
Brij Bihari Gupta alias Vinod Kumar Gupta alias Bhola alias Bholanand
Offence-seeing women sadhaks with malafide intensions, quarelling in ashrams, extorting money from ashram inmates
Role in Jodhpur Conspiracy 2013- Underground torture chambers,hypnotization , chamgadad ka kajal ,children buried in ashrams & other type of C grade films like allegations
TRUTH-So this man was almost successful in his plan about carcass of children being buried in the ashram but fortunately (unfortunately for others) a ashram inmate alerted the police about his plans.
Vikrant Sharma –“Since many days, Bholanand was hounding me and he was asking me to take out 2-3 skeletons from the cremation ground and bury them in the Ashram. So that the government will not let Bapuji come out of the jail. I being a citizen of the country thought upon this issue and informed the police about it.”
On getting exposed Bholanand absconded and Jammu police filed the case against Bholanand under Indian Penal Code Sections 120-B, 194, 211, 295, 295-A/383, 195 and 195-A. Police filed case against him for the charges of planning a criminal conspiracy, for exciting others to do crime and for damaging religious places.
So about a month later this man comes to Surat Sant sammelan & reveals the dirty secrets
Bholanand relays the entire story as is, taking the actual names of the TV channel owners and their managers, along with the names of the conspirators how they are all working together as a team, and got sold out for the project of putting Asaram Ji Bapu behind the bars for ever.
When he gets stuck while reading out the script on the TV channels. The TV channel teams, used to send him text messages, helping him making up the stories against Asharamji Bapu. He has the record of all the text messages from the TV channel team, which he has submitted in the court.
The most important part is in the last 25 minutes where he says that if they are caught they should attack each other with knife gun blade etc & put the blame on ashram & this was what exactly was done very recently
Interestingly he survived, bullet just grazed past his lips.
These are the 2 main persons of the Jodhpur Conspiracy
Now you might say this was a stray incident , but point to be noted is one more such incident took place,the man was Raju Chandak alias Raju Lambu .
Offence-Raju Chandak, an erstwhile inmate of the Ashram, was expelled from the Ashram after about 20 years in 2005 for his waywardness and indecent conduct. Since then he had harbored feelings of vengeance and acrimony towards Sant Asharamji Bapu and the Ashram.
He was the kingpin of ‘anti - Asaramji’ campaign and had roped in other people who had been earlier expelled from the Ashram for similar conduct.
The main cronies who supported Lambu were Amrit Prajapati(discussed above) and Mahendra Chawla(discussed below). They had jointly planned and implemented the Gurukul episode. Thereafter, Lambu started using forms of media like television channels and newspapers for leveling various false and concocted allegations to tarnish the public image of Bapuji. Raju Lambu divulged startling revelations of all his nefarious activities fortuitously during a sting operation.
This sting operation has completely exposed all despicable actions of Raju Lambu and his cronies. Raju Lambu who deviously used the media for this sacrilegious drive has also disparaged and ridiculed the media stating, “Whatever you give to the media, they will publish it as a scandal. They are like kids. Their sole intention is to increase TRP.”
Chandak claims he was 3 times in the chest , so the question arises - After getting injured by 3 bullets, can a person ride a motorbike? Moreover, he claims that the bullets did not harm is vital organs as he was wearing a thick jacket. Which jacket was Raju wearing? No "thick" jacket can stop bullets unless it is a bullet proof one. If the intention was to murder Raju Chandak, he should be hit on his head or chest and not on his hand and body ? So it would imply that there was no intention to kill Raju Chandak but to creat a situation where Pujya Bapuji is framed.
-Why would Bapuji arrange for Raju Lambu to get killed when already the media is portraying Bapuji and the Ashrams in wrong light?
-Who has masterminded this malicious campaign to disparage Bapuji and His ashrams? Why is a section of media prejudiced against Bapuji and His Ashrams? Why are they manipulating and suppressing the facts? Why are they not affording coverage to the sting operation that busted Raju Lambu’s and several others’ misdeeds? Who is funding them?
- Why did he not raise all these issues when we was expelled in 2005 when he had all the connections to take possible action against Pujya Bapuji
-Why is Police not releasing copy of FIR filed by Raju Lambu to the Ashram lawyers?
Here is the complete information on the defamation & fake cases till now
Minor players in the conspiracy given below
There is one more Rahul Sharma alias Rahul Sachan alias Laptop baba ,He is arrested now
Whenever there is some allegation on Bapuji, then this broker media has a tendency of organizing lots of debates by hiring 4-6 Ashram fugitives. In spite of lots of vicious propaganda, the enormous crowd of devotees in (Sant)Asharam Bapuji ‘s satsang forces every common man to think that something is definitely there which is a source of pious attraction for millions of devotees. Question arises that – “Are the so-called educated media people that much deprived of time that they have never got time to ask millions of devotees that what advantage they got from Bapuji’s Satsang (religious discourse)?”
Are these media people not having even half an hour time to show the experiences of devotees? Well the answer is very clear that they could not bear this enormous number of followers, their determination and belief towards the eternal religion and Gurus (Spiritual teachers). This eternal belief of devotees failed all the attempts of media to defame (Sant)Asaramji Bapu. For how long was it possible for them to bear that failure?