फ्लोटिंग आइकॉन

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


अकालमृत्युहंत्री च सर्वसंकटनाशिनी |
यक्षराक्षसभूतादिचोरव्याघ्रविघातिनी ||

गुरुगीता अकाल मृत्यु को रोकती हैसब संकटों का नाश करती हैयक्ष राक्षसभूतचोर और बाघ आदि का घात करती है 

So I came from my class & checked the sarkari email , 

IIT Bombay Wildlife , python snake leopard

a leopard was spotted near the MEMS labs , no big deal IIT Bombay is situated very near to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park so it is pretty obvious to expect one.

1 comment:

  1. hilarious :D First week attendance is compulsory in IIT Bombay thus , Leopard spottted :D :D :D
