फ्लोटिंग आइकॉन

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Vasant Panchami

yoga vasistha  ,Bapuji , story of lilavati , padma Lila saraswati ,Bapuji

वसंत पंचमी के शुभ अवसर पर Shri Yog Vashistha Maharamayan में वर्णित रानी लीलावती एवं देवी सरस्वती का कल्याणकारी संवाद पर प्रस्तुत करते हैं परम पूज्य संत श्री आशारामजी बापू की सारगर्भित व्याख्या और तात्त्विक सत्संग 

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सब जगत् नाशरूप है इस शरीर से कोई स्थिर नहीं रहता । हे रामजी! इस प्रकार ब्राह्मणों से सुन और भर्ता के वियोग से डरकर रानी लीलावती विचार करने लगी कि मेरे पति से वियोग न हो । इससे मैं सरस्वती की सेवा करूँ । हे रामजी! ऐसा विचार शास्त्रानुसार तपरूप सरस्वती का पूजन करने लगी ।

रानी लीलावती ने सरस्वती माँ के प्रगट होने पर उनसे प्रार्थना की माँ मेरे पति को अमर बना दो | माँ ने कहा अमर तो किसी क शरीर नहीं है लेकिन मेरे वरदान से तेरे पति का वपु इसी ब्रहमांड मे रहेगा और जब तुम याद करोगी तो मैं आ जाउंगी | वर्षो बाद जब युद्ध मे राजा का शरीर शांत हुआ तो शव को सुरक्षित करके कमरे मे रखा और माँ को याद करा तो कमरे मे प्रकाश हुआ और कमरे मे माँ सरस्वती प्रगट हुई|

और कहा अब मैं तुझे ले चलती हूँ तेरे पति के पास वास्तव मे कोई मरता नहीं है पंचभौतिक शरीर यहाँ बना रहता है अन्तवाहक शारीर सूक्ष्म शरीर मे जिसकी जैसी-जैसी भावना होती है वह आगे की सृष्टि मे ऐसा-ऐसा संकल्प से वह जीते है
मिटता नहीं कोई,आत्मा भी नहीं मिटता और सूक्ष्म शरीर भी जल्दी नहीं मिटता ,स्थूल शरीर बनता बिगड़ता है

जैसे घड़ा फुटा तो घड़े का पानी मिटा नहीं बह गया कही, तो घड़े का आकाश तो कभी मिटेगा नहीं घड़े का पानी वाष्पिभूत हो गया ऐसे ही सूक्ष्म शरीर कही का कही चला गया लेकिन सूक्ष्म शरीर जिसकी सत्ता से चलता है वह आत्मा तो आकाश से भी ज्यादा सूक्ष्म है ,चल अब मैं तेरे को अपने साथ ले चलती हूँ तो सरस्वती माँ ने उसके शरीर को अपने संकल्प से वही छोड़ कर उसके सूक्ष्म शरीर को साथ लिया
और मनोवेग से लीलावती को यात्रा कराई और आकाश मार्ग को लांघते हुए बहुत ऊंचाई पर गई और संकल्प किया की राजा को लीलावती दिखे

तो देखा कि राज पदम् ऊँचे सिंघासन पर राज्योचित निर्णय कर रहे है बोली माँ मैं क्या देख रही हूँ??

तो माँ बोली दिन मे जैसे जैसे वासना होती है रात को सपने वैसा बन जाता है |
ऐसे ही मरने के बाद जीवो की तीव्र वासना होती है तो अपनी वासना के अनुरुप्प वैसा माहौल नबन जाता है और वैसे ही जीते है

अभी और तेरे को आश्चर्य दिखाती हूँ इनके राज्य करने की वासना थी तो अपने मनोराज से मरने के बाद राज्य कर रहे है
वैज्ञानिको को ८ हजार सूरज दिखे वो इस ब्रह्माण्ड के है दुसरे ब्रह्माण्ड मे उनकी गति नहीं है उस ब्रहमांड को योगी जानते है शिवजी ,सरस्वती जी जानती है |
सरस्वती की कृपा से लीलावती ने इस ब्रहमांड को छोड़कर दुसरे ब्रहमांड मे प्रवेश किया और देखा क्या कि - दो बच्चे रो रहे है तुलसी का पौधा लगाया हुआ है ये तो मेरा लगाया हुआ है ,वही लीपन है

पूर्वकाल मे मैं यही रहती थी ये तो मेरा घर है ऐसा लग रहा है माँ ने कहा ऐसा ही तो है तुम अभी राजा पदम् और लीलावती हो लेकिन इस सृष्टि मे तुम वसिष्ठ ब्राहमण और अरुंधती थे भगवान् राम वाले अलग हैं तुम अलग ब्राहमण-ब्राह्मणी थे
और यहाँ का राजा अपनी शोभा यात्रा मे बड़े धूम धाम से जा रहा था तो तुम दोनों के तीव्र संकल्प हुआ की हम राजा रानी बने तो इसी तीव्र संकल्प से शरीर शांत होने के बाद तुम राजा रानी बने हो |

तो जैसे अहमदावाद का आदमी मुंबई मे जन्मे तो इस सृष्टि का आदमी दुसरे ब्रह्माण्ड मे भी जा सकता है, जन्मता है या सूक्ष्म शरीर से भी रहता है
जब तक आत्मा साक्षात्कार नहीं हआ तब तक स्थूल शरीर मे या सूक्ष्म शरीर मे अटकता रहता है

यह तुम ब्राहमण-ब्राह्मणी थे राजा पदम् और लीलावती, और तुम्हारा ऋषियोचित कार्य था इसी कारण से तुम राज्य सुख भोगे लेकिन विकारी आकर्षण नहीं था
लीले जब तक इस जीव को आत्मा परमात्मा का साक्षात्कार नहीं होता तब तक कितने ही संगो मे रहता है सुख भोगते भोगते मर जाते फिर अन्तवाहक शरीर मे भटकते भटकते शरीर मिलता हैआकाश के तारे तो कोई गिन ले लेकिन कितने शरीर पैदा हुए कोई गिन नहीं सकते |

मोह निशा सब मोहन हारा
देखेई सपने अनेक प्रकारा

इसीलिए लीलावती मैंने तुम्हें पूर्व का घर दिखाया |
अभी हम तो उनको देख सकते क्योंकि हमने संकल्प किया है लेकिन दुसरे लोग हमको नहीं देख पाते |

अभी आप हम बैठे सत्संग हो रहा है तो वसिष्ठ महाराज जब सत्संग करते तो सूक्ष्म शरीर से आकाश मे रहने वाले सिद्ध पुरुष भी कही डाल पर कहीं स्थान मिला
तो सुनने को आ जाते थे तो सिद्ध पुरुष तो सत्संगियों को देखते थे पर सत्संगी उन्हें नहीं देख पाते थे | ये देव किन्नर यक्ष सिद्ध पुरुषो के पास ये सिद्धि होती है
तो वशिष्ठ जी कहते रामजी सरस्वती माँ ने लीलावती को आत्मज्ञान पाने के लिए प्रेरित किया तुम्हारी इच्छा थी अरुंधती और वशिष्ठ की कि राज्य सुख भोगे तो भोगा लेकिन ऐसी कोई अवस्था नहीं जो बदले नहीं जीव को जो अच्छी अवस्था लगती है उसको पकड़े रखता है छुटती है तो दुखी होता है,शरीर के अहम् को भी पकडे रखता है प्यार मिले तो सुखी हो जाएगा जरा पिटाई हुई तो दुखी हो जाएगा बड़ी दयनीय स्थिति है जीव की, अपने पर कृपा करे तो ये चक्कर बदले नहीं तो ये जीव किस-किस मुसीबतों मे किस-किस चक्करों मे, योनियों मे, ब्रह्मांडो मे, कल्पनाओं मे भटकता हुआ आया है इसीलिए प्रयत्न करके अपने आत्मा परमात्मा का ज्ञान पाना चाहिए

ऐसा बन जाऊ ऐसा हो जाए इसके चक्कर मे न पड़े अपने आत्मा परमात्मा को पाकर विभु व्याप्त हो जाओ चैतन्य मे एकाकार हो जाओ ऐसे ज्ञान का आश्रय जो लेते वो लोग बाजी मर जाते |
30 Oct 2011 , Ahemedabad


#yogvashishtha #VasantPanchami #Saraswati #TattvaFromBapu

On the pious occasion of Vasant Panchami , Shri Yog Vashistha Maharamayan presents Excerpt from the Utpatti Prakarn , Story of Lilavati & Mother Sarswati .

Story of Lila

Vasistha said – Rama, in order to relieve you from this dubious predicament of yours and to attain quiescence of mind, I shall tell you a story about king named Padma.

He rejoiced in the possession of piousness and ripe discrimination. On his arms rested Vijaya-Lakshmi (or the Goddess of Victory). His royal partner went by the name of Lila and had the good qualities of strictly conforming to her husbands mind. She lived inseparable from him, like his shadow and mind.

A thought flashed across her mind to adopt some means by which she could ever perpetuate the youth of her lovely lord, free from oldage and death and so enjoy his company always. For this purpose, she consulted with the Brahmins well versed in all the ancient four Vedas. They were unable to hit upon any means of arresting death in this world; Japas (utterances of Mantras), Tapas (religious austerities) provide Siddhis (psychical powers). Thereupon Lila thought within herself thus * If I should die before my lord, then I shall enjoy Nirvanic bliss unattended by any pains. But if he should die before me, I can be

happy only in the event of his Jiva living in my house and casting its gladsome glance on me.

I shall worship Goddess Saraswati. So without appraising her Husband of her intentions, she was engaged in meditation for ten months, when Sarasvati overjoyed (at her meditation), appeared visibly before her and asked “ Oh Lila, what is your desire ?”

Please grant me the two boons 1. To allow my husbands Self to remain in my house, even after his death, and 2. That you will appear before me whenever I should think of you.

Goddess Saraswati granted her the boons. Then the wheel of time rolled on rapidly and King Padma died. Goddess Saraswati told Lila to “Cover up her deceased husbands body with flowers. Then the flowers only will fade and not the body.”

The kings Self without quitting the body will rest in the golden harem. Then resting on the arms of the king, you can overcome your grief.” So saying, Saraswati vanished from view. Lila buried her husbands body in flowers.

Lila addressed Saraswati thus “ I can no longer endure the parting from my King; thou should take me soon to where he is.”

Thereupon Saraswati said thus “ Of the three kinds of Akasa, vis., Chid-Akasa, (Spiritual Ether), Chitta- Akasa, (or mental Ether) and Blmta-Akasa (or elemental/gross ether), Chitta akasa is that intermediate state in which the mind is, when it flits from one object to another in the elemental Akasa of

objects. When the hosts of Sankalpas (thoughts in us) perish, then it is that the light of Chit (Consciousness) which will shine in us which is quiescent and immaculate and manifests itself as the universe. If one becomes convinced of the unreality of the visible objects, then, through that Self Knowledge, he will attain at once Chidakas.

May you attain through my grace that Chidakas (Supreme Consciousness).” Through this blessing, Lila went into Nirvikalpa Samadhi and was able to escape out of her body by becoming desireless, egoless and with quiessence of mind. There in the heart of Jnana-Akasa (or Chidakas), she saw, in a large town, a valiant prince sixteen years old. Having recognized him to be her dear husband, she entered the kings palace. She visited many temples and holy places in this Kingdom and then returned to her home. She entered her body lying beside her husband, and she prayed for Goddess Saraswati.

Having saluted Saraswati, Lila questioned her – How is it that my husband even after his death, has subjected himself to another Amurtha (formless) creation which is as illusory and bondage-giving as the present state? Please remove my doubts with reference to this, so that I may know the real truth.”

To which Saraswati replied thus “ The original evolution of the supreme ParaBrahma (Infinite Consciousness) differentiated out of the one Jnana-Akasa. Due to the delusion of mind (mental) the wave which belongs to the ocean identifies itself as a wave. Similarly, the Jiva instead of identifying with the Supreme ParaBrahma, identifies with the lower Self. Hence King Padma is created. Similarly your husband now has a second birth as Viduratha.

Therefore after giving your ears to what I am going to relate to you, you shall have your doubts cleared. In the stainless and immaculate Spiritual Ether, there is, on one side of it, an illusory dome. This vault is covered by the infinite consciousness.

It resounds with the never ceasing sound arising out of the strife between Devas and Asuras, due to great egoism. It is, in such an incomparable Universe, that there was a town called Girigrama in the midst of a certain tract on one side and that, in a certain spot of that dome. That town was a fertile tract boasting of the possession of hills, rivers and forests. There lived in it a great Brahmin householder called Vasishta.

He had a pious, obedient, well mannered and beautiful wife who went by the name of Arundhati. “While this Vasishta, the lord of the above mentioned Arundhati, was residing with her in the valleys, a crowned king came to the forest there on a hunting excursion along with his retinue. The Rishi saw them and reflected within himself. When shall I be able to be the ruler of the earth with retinues encircling me with people ? When shall I be able to reign triumphant as a monarch, having all under my sway with beautiful women around me ? From that day forward, Vasishta was seized with intense desires and though, in eager anticipation of the realization of such desires, he went on performing Karmas regularly.

His lady implored me for aid like yourself and was blessed by me with the similar boon of her husbands Jiva (Ego Self) not leaving her house. The Brahmin, Vasishta expired thus with his longing after regality ungratified. Thus was he of the nature of Jiva-Akas in his house.

“Through the Sankalpa of the mind which led, into the pleasures of regality, Vasishta who was originally of the nature of the Jnana Akas, he became a King.

In that state, after his wife found him dead she left her gross body and joined him in his subtle body. While the Brahmins sons, house, lands, forests, mountains, and others were thus (in the gross state), his Jiva was living separate for about 8 days and was of the nature of Chidakas (Mental Ether) in that very house. In your former birth, this Brahmin is your husband.

Then you were his wife, going by the name of Arundhati. Both of you lived together as husband and wife, like the loving Parvati and Parameswara. Living on the left side of the earth are no other than Arundhati and Vasishta. The first creation as a Brahmin and also the creation of King Padma are all illusory.

Even the third creation of Viduratha birth which you were a witness of, is also unreal, like the reflected image in water.” So said Goddess Saraswati, the worlds mother.

On hearing these words, Liia questioned her – You have uttered untruth only. How can your words hold ? Where is the Jiva of the Brahmin that lived in this house? Where did we, who separated here, meet together? How did those who were in the other world as well as its hells, the ten quarters* and others join

together and come to this pleasant habitation of ours ?

Is it possible to bind the infuriated Indras elephant within a part of a mustard seed ? Will the Mahameru mountain enter a lotus seed and be crushed by a small bee sitting over it? Will the lions be vanquished in a war with the angry ants and then enter an atom ? All your words are as incredible as these and will not fit in with truth.”

To which the Goddess replied thus ”I never told you an untruth. I will now explain you how my words are true. Persons like myself will never derogate from the laws of ParamEswara but will hold to them as the true ones. The Brahmins Jiva lives invisibly in his own house in the city. All his kingdom and Padma creation are of the nature of Jnana-Akasa only. Now, Oh Lila, Vasishta of the nature of Chidakas, when he became overjoyed (with the sight of the king), saw all these things in the Manas Akas. All these are different modifications of the one infinite consciousness.

This old thought (or creation) of Vasishta without manifesting itself as such to you now appears to you as different (as Padma creation). Just as the many events of the Jagrata (waking) state are not enacted in the dreaming state, Padma creation and its thoughts do then predominate without the reminiscences of the Vasishta state.

Out of the above mentioned all-pervading Jnana-Akas shining through Sat which is its own power and form part essence of that (JnAna)Akasa arose this terrible universe through the thought of the mind, like an image reflected in a glass. All the shining universes will be latent as light within the Jnana Reality which is the illuminated in the supreme Atom (ParaBrahma). Therefore it is that the abovementioned earth and others of the Brahmin will manifest themselvey in (and out of) Jnana. Now you know all these directly.” So said Saraswati.

Lila asked her “ It was stated by you, that the Brahmin expired on the eighth day. That period passed with me as milleniums. Please explain this to me.”

Then the goddess continued thus “Just as space is nothing but a play of infinite consciousness, time and space is unreal. In the dream state consciousness what appears like a lifetime is nothing but 1 hour in waking state consciousness. What appears like 1 year in one World is 1 day in a different World. There

are Worlds within Worlds. Just as a man can experience dream, waking and deep sleep states of consciousness. The Jnana light alone devoid of the modifications of Maya, that manifests itself as time and space, hence there is no such thing as the limit of time or space. Through the illusion of death, the body became entranced for a moment and the Jiva parted from it.

Becoming oblivious of all the thoughts of its former body, it is filled with the thoughts of this life only. It is only when the Jiva revives from the fatal trance of such false conceptions, only then that the Jiva will begin to know its real state. Therefore you forgot all about your former birth, remembering only this birth.”

After Saraswati had finished these words, Lila said “ Having been blessed by you with Divine vision, I have understood all things truly. Now to gratify my desires, please show me the abode of Vasishta and others.”

To which Saraswati of the form of Vedas thus said “ This gross body of yours bred out of Karmas is an impediment in the way of your getting such knowledge. You need to become entirely oblivious of your body (by becoming bodiless) and know yourself as distinct from it. You will then become of the nature of Pure Bliss Enjoyer that is also Jnana light and Sat after being cleansed of all Maya impurities. You will then be able to visit the hallowed Seat. Then you will know, with delusions off your mind, that Brahman only is yourself and all the universe, like one gold converted into many ornaments.”

It is not the worldly desires but the pure Vasanas that tend to develop the true Jnana (Self Knowledge). You are still attached to the desires for worldly objects. Therefore it is not possible for you to attain it. Persons like myself can easily get into the pure Brahman. But those who are like you, have a subtle (lunar) body of the nature of mind, replete with desires and hence it, in turn, generates the gross body.

Just as a snow ball melts with the rays of the sun and is converted into water, so your gross body will be changed permanently into the subtle body through development of the true Jnana (Self Knowledge) and the abandoning of the Vasanas (Psychological Conditioning of the Mind). This is the Jivanmukti state.

Then the all-full Jnana alone will prevail in you. Therefore you will have to perceive the former creation through your original subtle body (of Adhivahya).”

Lila asked Saraswati as to the efforts that should be made to realize that end.

To which Saraswati replied thus “Those only can cognize experimentally the higher states who have developed in themselves the processes of Sravana (hearing and study of spiritual books), Manana (contemplation) and Nidhitya- sana (reflection from all standpoints), uninterrupted bliss arising through concentration upon that ancient (one) Principle, renunciation of all, non- desires, and the intense reasoning practice followed through the path of Vedas that this great world is not ever-existent.

Those only are in that path of Brahman, who are ever engaged in the intense practice of deriving bliss through the certain knowledge that the universes, which are no other than “I” or “It”, do not really exist. They did not exist from the very beginning. People who are engaged in liberation, through such Knowledge, free from the knower and the known and from the enemies of love and hatred.

One needs to be convinced that knowledge which renders itself free of all the visibles (duality) is the true one. The obtainer of Atma, with ceaseless endeavours in the certainty of Brahman is alone Salvation. With such a practice, the pure Jnana (Self Knowledge) will dawn.”

Saraswati and Lila who had thus conferred together that night, went into Swarupa Samadhi free from the trammels of their body and remained motionless. In this state, Saraswati shining with her former Jnana body along with Lila with her newly assumed Jnana one, rose up high in the Sky of ether.

Having penetrated far into the Ether which is like an ever-ebbing great ocean at the time of deluge, they observed there the following. In the immeasura- ble, transparent and subtle Chidakas replete with the bliss, there were to be found the hosts of Siddhas who journeyed fleeter than wind.

They passed through diverse places for the immeasurable distance, some replete with petrified sable gloom inaccessible to any and many others. Thus waded they through the Akasa of the three worlds, wherein the myriads of Jivas created by Brahma buzzing like ihe swarms of flies collected in a ripe fig fruit.

Then contemplating upon reaching their longed-for place they crossed numerous worlds and reached Girigrama in the Loka where Vasishta lived. As the new arrivals were invisible to the menials, relatives and offsprings of the Brahmin suffering from dire pains. Lila, of Satya-Sankalpa willed that the inmates of

the house should see her and her co-mate. Thereupon taking these two, who were like Lakshmi and Parvati, to be some goddesses, her kids worshipped them and paid them proper respects.

Of these, the eldest son ad dressed them thus “ You should enlighten us of the load of grief under which we are groaning ever since the demise of our parents. Oh ladies of great knowledge, are there any results not attainable through the visits, of great personages like yourselves?” There upon the effulgent, Lila touched their forehead and relieved them of their grief.

Lila asked Saraswati. “ How come that during our Samadhi, the persons seated in the regal assembly were unable to see me whilst those in the beautiful house alone were so able ?”

Saraswati replied “It is only through the development of Jnana that all the dual substances in this world will become non-dual. You were in possession of Jnana (knowledge) but not freed from the thoughts of “ I” (or individuality), the true Sankalpa did not arise in you. Hence it was that all those in the royal assembly were not able to see thee. But then in the second case, with the possession of the true Self Knowledge and without the thoughts of individuality (you versus I), through your own Sankalpa (determination) your sons could see you.”

Then Lila overjoyed gave vent to the following words “ Through your grace, Oh Saraswati, I have known all my former births as clear as daylight. I have cleansed myself of all sins arising from the three gunas.

After being differentiated as a separate entity out of the one Brahman, 1 have undergone different births in 800 bodies. Like bees in a lotus flower, I have been inhabiting the many worlds created through Maya-Vikalpa (or the modifications of Maya). I was born as a Vidyadhara lady and then as a human being through the force of Vasanas. In another loka of Maya-Vikalpa, I went through a series of births in the

different bodies of Indrani, a huntress clad in leaves, a bird rending the snare it was enmeshed in, a king of Sourdshtra country and a musquito. Thus have I been whirling in many births, and having been tossed too and fro in the clutches of Maya, like a straw in ocean waves, I have now been landed safely on the

shore of Mukti (Salvation) through your aid.” Thus did Lila eulogise her and both then mounted up the Sky.

Passing through the Sky by the dint of Yoga power, they went to where Padma was and saw his body. After that was over, they went to where the king Viduratha was, who was the second incarnation of king Padma. At this juncture, both these ladies observed the incomparable king of Sindhu of tremendous prowess march against Viduratha.

A fierce war was waged between the two armies, striking terror into the heart of Death even. Vidurathas innumerable army was reduced by the enemy to an eighth of its original number. Then the sun disappeared from view, as if afraid of either this terrible war. With the setting in of intense darkness, both

the armies ceased to battle.

With the disappearance from the field of the enemies hosts, king Vidu-ratha returned with a broken heart along with the shattered remnants of his army to his own palace. Whilst he rested upstairs in sleep, Saraswati and Lila came up to where he lay. Being quite refreshed by their Tejas (radiant effulgence) he

saluted and eulogised the ladies.

Saraswati, in order to enable the king to easily know the events of his former births through his Jnana (spiritual) vision, touched lovingly, with the palm of her hand, the kings head and blessed him with Divine vision. Whereupon the gloom of Maya that had obscured his mind disappeared and he was able to recognise himself in the previous body of king Padma sporting with Lila.

Then the pleasant sensation of marvel and joy arose in him, the former on account of the diverse workings of Maya, and the latter, since the knowledge of Maya he derived through the grace of the Goddess Saraswathi. He said “In the one day that passed from the extinction of my former body up to now (as seen through my Divine vision), 1 have spent 70 years with this my present body. I have also known all the events that transpired during that period. Whence are all these curious anomalies of Maya?”

Thereupon Saraswati replied -“ The trance called Death is always accompanied at that very spot and in that very instant, by the great delusion of re-births (and vice versa). Now the conception of the duration of 70 years arose only through the delusion of the Karmas performed by you while in life. Know therefore

and perceive for yourself that when your mind was rendered immaculate like Akasa free from all illusions, such conceptions of time vanished.

All conceptions of time arise through the vikalpas of the mind only. The events of 70 years are only like long-drawn dreams of many events enacted in one Muhurta (48 minutes). Even our life during the waking state appears prolonged in diverse ways through the many unreal events performed. To tell you truly,

there is no such thing as births or deaths to thee. All is true Self Knowledge alone. You are the eternal supreme Seat. Hence though seeing the whole universe, you see it not.

Being of the nature of all, you are shining through your wisdom in the Atmic Reality. To the ignorant, the universe appears to be real. Persons ignorant of gold will assert an ornament made of gold to be the former alone and not the latter. Likewise, persons devoid of spiritual vision will maintain this universe

to be the inert one only, (and not spirit, the seer free from the seen).

Know also all the universes, arising through the egoism of “ Time and Space” and “ mine,” etc, to be nothing but a dream and the different objects seen therein to be as illusory as things in a dream. Such objects and universes are no other than of the nature of that Jnana (Reality) which is all permanent

actionless, full, vast and immaculate.

It is the one reality which, being all and having all with the different Saktis (potencies), manifests itself, without being diminished thereby, in different forms according to the fructification of time and Karmas (Actions performed with the Ego Self). Through Lila, I have initiated you into the mysteries of the true Jnana (Self Knowledge) state. your mind has been illumined through the undecaying Tatwa (Truth). Therefore we shall depart.”

Viduratha remarked thus “Even persons coming to me for aid are accustomed to receive at my hands whatever they long for. Therefore is it surprising for me to attain any object of my quest at the hands of you both who are like fresh Chinthamani? When shall I be able to resume my former body of Padma ?” To which Saraswati replied thus “You will perish in this war and with your death, you will resume your Padma body.”

Here a messenger came in with the following announcement to the king. “An ocean of army is discharging showers of arrows at us, and our town is reduced to ashes through the enemys flames.”

Now Lila, the spouse of Padma was extremely surprised to find Lila, the spouse of Viduratha, an exact counterpart of herself, like an image reflected in a glass. Thereupon she queried Saraswati as to how it was she was re-duplicated afresh ?

Saraswati cleared her doubts in the following manner “Due to excessive love towards you your husband Padma thought, at the moment of death, of enjoying your company without being ever separated. Accordingly he was able to get you here. Whatever is thought of by one at the time of his agonizing death, that will be realized by him afterwards.

Will a glass reflect other than that which is placed before it? Death, birth, mental delusion, the waking, dreaming and dreamless states are all one, each of them not having another as the cause, all things that are and that are not, are of the nature of delusion only and hence increase beyond number.

Now the stainful enjoyments are of two kinds. Some experiences arise as the result of former ones. Others arise newly, being entirely different from the previous ones. Hence, as in the former case, the new Lila with all your former form, observances, race and conduct of life, appeared not different from you

like your shadow. It was through the thought of the king, that she was molded into her present form like yourself. Vidti-ratha will perish in this war and then assume the body of Padma.”

So said Saraswati, when the new Lila submitted thus “ Please confer on me the boon that, in the event of my partner perishes in this war, I may live in this body of mine along with him wherever he is.” To which Saraswati nodded assent.

Again the old Lila questioned the Mother of Vedas thus “How was I able to journey to the higher Loka and the supreme Girigrama with the aid of Adibhoutika body only and not with the Adhivahika body (while the new Lila was blessed otherwise) ? * To which the goddess replied thus “ I never give anything (without

any cause) to any person. People get all things according to their thoughts. You thought of (acquiring) Jnana before and implored me for it and I gave you therefore the Divine Vision longed for by you. This Lila, your shadow, prompted by excessive desire asked of me another boon which was, as promptly, granted.

All men through my grace get what ever their minds long after.”

Both the Lilas of undying affection for their King and yet in anticipation of his death addressed Saraswati thus * Oh mother, how comes it that in spite of our Lord s dauntless courage and your grace, our husband should die so soon in this war ?”

Saraswati replied “ As the learned Viduratha longed after the higher spiritual state, he has to merge secondless into the supreme Seat.

The King of Sindhu prayed for Victory in the War, while your Husband prayed for Enlightenment. This king of Sindhu in accordance with my mandates at his propitiation of myself and will become a king.”

While these were discoursing thus, the day broke and the battle started. King Vidiiratha was felled by the enemies arrows and fell flat upon the ground.

Whereupon the new Lila addressed her of the white lotus thus “My husband is about to breathe his last; please allow me to join my husband,” Saraswati having prepared the way for it, the new Lila became light and ascended the Akasa.

Having crossed one after another the different worlds which exist in one another (in different planes of consciousness), she reached soon the immeasurable and endless Reality of Chi-dakas at last. There she went to the place where Padma s dead body was lying, after crossing the Jnana-Akas. Concluding that the dead body covered up with flowers, was her Lords and that some how, through Saraswatis grace, she came ahead of him, she sat beside his body and fanned it gently.

Saraswati, removed the grip she had on the Jiva of Viduratha which therefore entered into the nasal orifice of Padma s body in the form of Prana and permeated the whole parched up body. Whereupon blood began to circulate freely throughout and the deceased king woke up, rubbing his eyes. Padma woke up and asked who they were. The old Lila prostrated herself before the king and saw that she herself was the wife congenial to him, that the new Lila was the offspring of his mind which thought of a form similar to hers and came to enjoy with him, and that the third person was the immaculate Saraswati.

After she had pronounced these words, Padma fell at the feet of Saraswati who, laying her beautiful hands on the head of Padma, blessed him with a long life with his wives, an exalted fame and an ever increasing wealth in order to render people happy. Then the Emperor Padma along with his wives wielded the sceptre over the earth for 80,000 years. With the blessing conferred by Saraswati, he shortened then and there the seven kinds of births and attained on earth the Jivanmukta State. At last he attained the state of Videhamukti which never perishes, even though great Kalpas come to an end.

ॐ ॐ गुरूजी ॐ 

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